Section 1: Prizing & Eligibility

  1. (a) Eligibility:

All Participants must be at least 18 years old or have parental/guardian consent to participate.

Participants, whether students, professionals, or enthusiasts from any technical or non-technical background, are welcome. All may freely participate, but will not be eligible for prizes if they reside in any country with legal restrictions on trading with unregistered cryptocurrencies.

Please note, all persons receiving prize payments may be subject to a KYC process via our payment partner. This may include requiring proof of identification, country of residence, and legal name.

All prize winners are subject to the Weavers payment approval process in order to receive their prize payment. This process can include the requesting of a winners full legal name, country of residence, address, Arweave wallet address, email address, and social media information.

Full-time employees of Weavers, Forward Research, BazAR, or any other company with which Weavers has previously collaborated directly with, are ineligible for prizing in any Weavers event. If a submission from a member of one of the previously listed teams is chosen to win a Weavers event, the prizing will go to the runner-up team. Part time/contracted employees from any of the previously listed companies are subject to exemption from these rules at the discretion of the Weavers team.

  1. (b) Prize Payments:

Following a Weavers event, prize winners will be contacted by a member of the Weavers team or a qualified payment partner, participants will then be required to confirm or supply the information outlined in the paragraph above.

Weavers reserves the right to process prize payments in either Fiat currency via Wire-Transfer or Token payment via an AR transfer. In either case, processing times can vary between 2-4 business weeks after payment information is received by the Weavers team.

If issues in payment should occur, whether via incorrect information supplied by participants, bank bounce backs, or other sources, Weavers will attempt a second payment once the original has been received by the Weavers team. If the original payment is not received by the Weavers team due to incorrect wallet address, bank holdings, or other issues, it is at the discretion of the Weavers team if an additional payment will be issued.

  1. (c) Original Work:

All projects submitted must be original works created solely during the “hacking period” of each event as defined in the corresponding event information. Pre-existing projects can be worked on at each hackers discretion, but hackers must self-identify if this is the case and will not be eligible for prizing.

Specifics rules on use of existing content may vary from event to event, however open-source libraries and tools are accepted across all events as long as they are accurately attributed to.

Any material (ex: Libraries, Assets, Codebases) that violate copyright or licensing agreements are not allowed to be used in project submissions and will result in prize disqualification.

Section 2: Bounties, Teams, and Submissions

  1. (a) Bounties:

Bounty requirements vary from event to event, please read each event's corresponding bounty information for specific requirements. Projects that do not meet the basic requirements (as outlined in their bounty information), will not be considered for prizing. Weavers reserves the right to withhold prize payments if no eligible projects are submitted for a given Bounty.

When submitting for an event with multiple bounties, participants will need to indicate the bounty they are submitting for. Combining multiple bounties into a single project submission is allowed, but judging for each bounty will be assessed individually. To be eligible to win a bounty, projects must meet all the specified requirements outlined in the bounty explanation.

  1. (b) Teams:

Team Sizes: Weavers events vary, with some events being open solely to individuals and some to teams, please see individual event guidelines for team size information.

  1. (c) Submissions

Project submission deadlines will be announced prior to the start of the hacking period of each event.

Projects that are submitted after the close of the designated submission period will not be considered for prizing.

Projects are not allowed to be altered or amended post-submission. This will be enforced and monitored through evaluation of each projects GitHub timestamps alongside other methods at the discretion of the Weavers team.

All project submissions must be completed via the official submission link (distributed via the Weavers official channels at the beginning of the submission period for each event).

Section 3: Project Judging & Evaluation

  1. (a) Judging:

Projects are evaluated during the designated judging period based on the criteria outlined in the Bounty Requirements, viewed through the lens of the Weavers Bounty Raid scoring categories (See section on Scoring). Judges' decisions are final. Weavers is not required to provide individual scores.

  1. (b). Scoring:

Participants must build projects related to Arweave, and the broader Arweave ecosystem. Judges will evaluate your submissions using the following criteria on a scale from 1 to 5 (see rubric below), these scores are then averaged between judges with the highest average total score determining the winners of each event. This scoring system is subject to change in order to suite each events specific considerations.

  1. Functionality: This criterion assesses whether your project is operational and suitable for use by early adopters. We look for business concept & opportunity and product/service opportunity fit.

  2. Presentation: This reflects the quality of your project's presentation and how effectively you communicate your projects value.

  3. Impact: We will gauge the potential of your project to make a meaningful difference or contribution to the arweave ecosystem.

  4. Creativity: Given that two teams working on the same challenge will yield different results, this metric will evaluate the originality and inventiveness of your solution.

Section 4: Intellectual Property, Privacy, Liability, & Disqualifications

  1. (a) Intellectual Property:

Participants in Weavers events retain ownership of their intellectual property, but they grant Weavers a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use their work for the sole purpose of promoting the Weavers event and the participant's work itself. This may include sharing on social media channels, the Weavers website, and event presentations."

  1. (b) Privacy and Data Protection:

All participants in Weavers events must respect the privacy and confidentiality of Weavers and of other participants. Participants must not not share any personal or sensitive information without express permission, and each project and individual must also be aware of data protection regulations, and handle user data responsibly.

Across all events, hackers are required to provide their full legal names, email addresses, arweave wallet addresses, and countries of residence for themselves and for any team members, this information is required so that Weavers can be fully compliant with current regulations around cryptocurrencies.

Weavers commits to providing proper precautions and security around the handling and sharing of said personal data. All data will be collected, processed, and stored solely for the purpose of organizing and conducting the hackathon. Participants' personal data will not be shared with third parties without explicit consent, except as required by law. By participating in the hackathon, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy, which provides detailed information on how we manage your data.

  1. (c) Liability & Responsibility:

Participants are solely responsible for their actions, decisions, and the consequences thereof during events. Weavers and any sponsors or partners associated with Weavers events shall not be liable for any loss, injury, damage, or claims arising out of or in connection with participation in our events.

  1. (d) Changes & Disqualifications:

Weavers reserves the right to make changes, amendments, or additions to these rules, event details, or any other aspect of our events at any time. Weavers reserves the right to disqualify any participant who violates event rules, engages in unethical conduct, or fails to comply with the instructions or decisions of Weavers.

Section 1: Prizing & Eligibility

  1. (a) Eligibility:

All Participants must be at least 18 years old or have parental/guardian consent to participate.

Participants, whether students, professionals, or enthusiasts from any technical or non-technical background, are welcome. All may freely participate, but will not be eligible for prizes if they are based in China, Iran, North Korea, Russia, or other countries which restrict the trading of cryptocurrencies.

Please note, all persons receiving prize payments may be subject to a KYC process via our payment partner. This may include requiring proof of identification, country of residence, and legal name.

All prize winners are subject to the Weavers payment approval process in order to receive their prize payment. This process can include the requesting of a winners full legal name, country of residence, address, Arweave wallet address, email address, and social media information.

  1. (b) Prize Payments:

Following a Weavers event, prize winners will be contacted by a member of the Weavers team or a qualified payment partner, participants will then be required to confirm or supply the information outlined in the paragraph above.

Weavers reserves the right to process prize payments in either Fiat currency via Wire-Transfer or Token payment via an AR transfer. In either case, processing times can vary between 2-4 business weeks after payment information is received by the Weavers team.

If issues in payment should occur, whether via incorrect information supplied by participants, bank bounce backs, or other sources, Weavers will attempt a second payment once the original has been received by the Weavers team. If the original payment is not received by the Weavers team due to incorrect wallet address, bank holdings, or other issues, it is at the discretion of the Weavers team if an additional payment will be issued.

  1. (c) Original Work:

All projects submitted must be original works created solely during the “hacking period” of each event as defined in the corresponding event information. Pre-existing projects can be worked on at each hackers discretion, but hackers must self-identify if this is the case and will not be eligible for prizing.

Specifics rules on use of existing content may vary from event to event, however open-source libraries and tools are accepted across all events as long as they are accurately attributed to.

Any material (ex: Libraries, Assets, Codebases) that violate copyright or licensing agreements are not allowed to be used in project submissions and will result in prize disqualification.

Section 2: Bounties, Teams, and Submissions

  1. (a) Bounties:

Bounty requirements vary from event to event, please read each event's corresponding bounty information for specific requirements. Projects that do not meet the basic requirements (as outlined in their bounty information), will not be considered for prizing.

When submitting for an event with multiple bounties, participants will need to indicate the bounty they are submitting for. Combining multiple bounties into a single project submission is allowed, but judging for each bounty will be assessed individually. To be eligible to win a bounty, projects must meet all the specified requirements outlined in the bounty explanation.

  1. (b) Teams:

Team Sizes: Weavers events vary, with some events being open solely to individuals and some to teams, please see individual event guidelines for team size information.

  1. (c) Submissions

Project submission deadlines will be announced prior to the start of the hacking period of each event.

Projects that are submitted after the close of the designated submission period will not be considered for prizing.

Projects are not allowed to be altered or amended post-submission. This will be enforced and monitored through evaluation of each projects GitHub timestamps alongside other methods at the discretion of the Weavers team.

All project submissions must be completed via the official submission link (distributed via the Weavers official channels at the beginning of the submission period for each event).

Section 3: Project Judging & Evaluation

  1. (a) Judging:

Projects are evaluated during the designated judging period based on the criteria outlined in the Bounty Requirements, viewed through the lens of the Weavers Bounty Raid scoring categories (See section on Scoring). Judges' decisions are final. Weavers is not required to provide individual scores.

  1. (b). Scoring:

Participants must build projects related to Arweave, and the broader Arweave ecosystem. Judges will evaluate your submissions using the following criteria on a scale from 1 to 5 (see rubric below), these scores are then averaged between judges with the highest average total score determining the winners of each event. This scoring system is subject to change in order to suite each events specific considerations.

  1. Functionality: This criterion assesses whether your project is operational and suitable for use by early adopters. We look for business concept & opportunity and product/service opportunity fit.

  2. Presentation: This reflects the quality of your project's presentation and how effectively you communicate your projects value.

  3. Impact: We will gauge the potential of your project to make a meaningful difference or contribution to the arweave ecosystem.

  4. Creativity: Given that two teams working on the same challenge will yield different results, this metric will evaluate the originality and inventiveness of your solution.

Section 4: Intellectual Property, Privacy, Liability, & Disqualifications

  1. (a) Intellectual Property:

Participants in Weavers events retain ownership of their intellectual property, but they grant Weavers permission to share and promote their work via social media and other channels.

  1. (b) Privacy and Data Protection:

All participants in Weavers events must respect the privacy and confidentiality of Weavers and of other participants. Participants must not not share any personal or sensitive information without express permission, and each project and individual must also be aware of data protection regulations, and handle user data responsibly.

Across all events, hackers are required to provide their full legal names, email addresses, arweave wallet addresses, and countries of residence for themselves and for any team members, this information is required so that Weavers can be fully compliant with current regulations around cryptocurrencies.

  1. (c) Liability & Responsibility:

Participants are solely responsible for their actions, decisions, and the consequences thereof during events. Weavers and any sponsors or partners associated with Weavers events shall not be liable for any loss, injury, damage, or claims arising out of or in connection with participation in our events.

  1. (d) Changes & Disqualifications:

Weavers reserves the right to make changes, amendments, or additions to these rules, event details, or any other aspect of our events at any time. Weavers reserves the right to disqualify any participant who violates event rules, engages in unethical conduct, or fails to comply with the instructions or decisions of Weavers.

Section 1: Prizing & Eligibility

  1. (a) Eligibility:

All Participants must be at least 18 years old or have parental/guardian consent to participate.

Participants, whether students, professionals, or enthusiasts from any technical or non-technical background, are welcome. All may freely participate, but will not be eligible for prizes if they are based in China, Iran, North Korea, Russia, or other countries which restrict the trading of cryptocurrencies.

Please note, all persons receiving prize payments may be subject to a KYC process via our payment partner. This may include requiring proof of identification, country of residence, and legal name.

All prize winners are subject to the Weavers payment approval process in order to receive their prize payment. This process can include the requesting of a winners full legal name, country of residence, address, Arweave wallet address, email address, and social media information.

  1. (b) Prize Payments:

Following a Weavers event, prize winners will be contacted by a member of the Weavers team or a qualified payment partner, participants will then be required to confirm or supply the information outlined in the paragraph above.

Weavers reserves the right to process prize payments in either Fiat currency via Wire-Transfer or Token payment via an AR transfer. In either case, processing times can vary between 2-4 business weeks after payment information is received by the Weavers team.

If issues in payment should occur, whether via incorrect information supplied by participants, bank bounce backs, or other sources, Weavers will attempt a second payment once the original has been received by the Weavers team. If the original payment is not received by the Weavers team due to incorrect wallet address, bank holdings, or other issues, it is at the discretion of the Weavers team if an additional payment will be issued.

  1. (b) Original Work:

All projects submitted must be original works created solely during the “hacking period” of each event as defined in the corresponding event information. Pre-existing projects can be worked on at each hackers discretion, but hackers must self-identify if this is the case and will not be eligible for prizing.

Specifics rules on use of existing content may vary from event to event, however open-source libraries and tools are accepted across all events as long as they are accurately attributed to.

Any material (ex: Libraries, Assets, Codebases) that violate copyright or licensing agreements are not allowed to be used in project submissions and will result in prize disqualification.

Section 2: Bounties, Teams, and Submissions

  1. (a) Bounties:

Bounty requirements vary from event to event, please read each event's corresponding bounty information for specific requirements. Projects that do not meet the basic requirements (as outlined in their bounty information), will not be considered for prizing.

When submitting for an event with multiple bounties, participants will need to indicate the bounty they are submitting for. Combining multiple bounties into a single project submission is allowed, but judging for each bounty will be assessed individually. To be eligible to win a bounty, projects must meet all the specified requirements outlined in the bounty explanation.

  1. (b) Teams:

Team Sizes: Weavers events vary, with some events being open solely to individuals and some to teams, please see individual event guidelines for team size information.

  1. (c) Submissions

Project submission deadlines will be announced prior to the start of the hacking period of each event.

Projects that are submitted after the close of the designated submission period will not be considered for prizing.

Projects are not allowed to be altered or amended post-submission. This will be enforced and monitored through evaluation of each projects GitHub timestamps alongside other methods at the discretion of the Weavers team.

All project submissions must be completed via the official submission link (distributed via the Weavers official channels at the beginning of the submission period for each event).

Section 3: Project Judging & Evaluation

  1. (a) Judging:

Projects are evaluated during the designated judging period based on the criteria outlined in the Bounty Requirements, viewed through the lens of the Weavers Bounty Raid scoring categories (See section on Scoring). Judges' decisions are final. Weavers is not required to provide individual scores.

  1. (b). Scoring:

Participants must build projects related to Arweave, and the broader Arweave ecosystem. Judges will evaluate your submissions using the following criteria on a scale from 1 to 5 (see rubric below), these scores are then averaged between judges with the highest average total score determining the winners of each event. This scoring system is subject to change in order to suite each events specific considerations.

  1. Functionality: This criterion assesses whether your project is operational and suitable for use by early adopters. We look for business concept & opportunity and product/service opportunity fit.

  2. Presentation: This reflects the quality of your project's presentation and how effectively you communicate your projects value.

  3. Impact: We will gauge the potential of your project to make a meaningful difference or contribution to the arweave ecosystem.

  4. Creativity: Given that two teams working on the same challenge will yield different results, this metric will evaluate the originality and inventiveness of your solution.

Section 4: Intellectual Property, Privacy, Liability, & Disqualifications

  1. (a) Intellectual Property:

Participants in Weavers events retain ownership of their intellectual property, but they grant Weavers permission to share and promote their work via social media and other channels.

  1. (b) Privacy and Data Protection:

All participants in Weavers events must respect the privacy and confidentiality of Weavers and of other participants. Participants must not not share any personal or sensitive information without express permission, and each project and individual must also be aware of data protection regulations, and handle user data responsibly.

Across all events, hackers are required to provide their full legal names, email addresses, arweave wallet addresses, and countries of residence for themselves and for any team members, this information is required so that Weavers can be fully compliant with current regulations around cryptocurrencies.

  1. (c) Liability & Responsibility:

Participants are solely responsible for their actions, decisions, and the consequences thereof during events. Weavers and any sponsors or partners associated with Weavers events shall not be liable for any loss, injury, damage, or claims arising out of or in connection with participation in our events.

  1. (d) Changes & Disqualifications:

Weavers reserves the right to make changes, amendments, or additions to these rules, event details, or any other aspect of our events at any time. Weavers reserves the right to disqualify any participant who violates event rules, engages in unethical conduct, or fails to comply with the instructions or decisions of Weavers.