JULY 2024

[Weavers Official] (hereinafter "Weavers", “we” or “us”) is aware of the importance of ensuring the confidentiality and lawful processing of your personal data when you visit our website [https://www.weaversofficial.com] (hereinafter “website”).

1. Who is responsible for data processing and whom can I contact?

Weavers is responsible within the meaning of Article 4 (7) GDPR. You can reach us at:

Forward Research

171 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10016, USA

E-Mail: [ryan@arweave.org]

1. For what purposes do we process your personal data?

1.1. Use of the website and contact via the website

Processing purposes: We operate the website to provide information on [Weavers]. To contact us, we provide a mailto-link on the website which you can use to send us messages. Generally, the website can also be used without the processing of your personal data, whereby no contact can be made without your provision of personal data.

Categories of data: For the processing purposes mentioned above, we process your e-mail address, IP address, date and time of the request as well as additional personal data that you voluntarily provide to us for the purposes of contacting us, such as first and last name, social media handle or telephone number. (In addition, the address (URL) of the accessed website, browser and browser version, the operating system used, the address (URL) of the previously visited pages (referrer URL), the host name and the IP address of the device from which access is made and the date are also recorded and time stored in web server log files.)

Legal basis: We process personal data on the basis of legitimate legal interests (Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR) for the proper operation of the website and for the provision of information about [Weavers].

Duration of storage: We store personal data for the processing purposes mentioned above for the duration of the visit of the website or, in the case of a request via the mailto-link, for the duration of the processing of the request.

1.2 Processing of personal data for sending electronic mail messages information about [Weavers]

Purposes of processing: Upon request, we will send information about [Weavers] by email. For this, we need personal data. Without this data we cannot send the requested information.

Categories of data: We process (first and last name, gender, email address and user ID) for the aforementioned processing purposes.

Legal basis: We process personal data for the processing purposes mentioned above on the basis of consent (Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR).

Duration of storage: We process personal data for the above-mentioned processing purposes up to the point at which the respective consent is revoked. A revocation means that we no longer process data from this point in time. To revoke the consent, please contact us at ryan@arweave.org.

1.3 Legal Prosecution

Processing purposes: In case of a legal dispute, we store the data necessary for appropriate legal prosecution in order to transmit this to legal representatives and courts.

Categories of data: For the aforementioned processing purposes, we process contact details (e.g. first and last name, address), information and data in connection with the legal dispute in question (e.g. usage history or behavior in relation to the use of the website).

Legal basis: We process personal data on the basis of legitimate legal interests (Article 6 (1) (f) in conjunction with Article 9 (2) (f) GDPR) for appropriate legal prosecution.

Duration of storage: We store personal data for the above-mentioned processing purposes for as long as this is necessary to assert claims against the users or to defend ourselves against claims they have made against us or until the statutory limitation periods have expired, whereby the statutory limitation period for claims from the breach of contracts is three years.

2. To which recipients will personal data be transmitted and where are they located?

In the course of our data processing, we transmit personal data to the following recipients to the extent necessary: called service providers, legal representatives, courts and administrative authorities as well as companies that are commissioned to support our company's internal IT infrastructure (software, hardware).

We use processors who perform services on our behalf. The processors may only process the data provided to them in accordance with our instructions and to the extent necessary for us to carry out services.

The level of data protection in other countries outside the EEA may not be the same as within the EEA. We only transfer your personal data to countries for which the European Commission has decided that they have an adequate level of data protection or we take measures to ensure that all recipients in third countries guarantee an adequate level of data protection. To this end, we conclude, for example, the standard contractual clauses issued by the European Commission with these recipients.

3. Links to Social Media (Twitter, Discord, & YouTube)

On our website you will find links to the social media services of Twitter, Discord, & YouTube. If you follow these links, you will reach the corporate presence of [Weavers] at the respective social media service. When you click on a link to a social media service, a connection to the servers of the social media service is established. This transmits the information that you have visited our website to the respective servers of the social media service. In addition, further data is transmitted to the provider of the social media service by your browser when you open the website of the social media service. These are, for example the address of the website on which the activated link is located ("referrer"); date and time of calling up the website or activating the link; information about the browser and operating system used or the IP address.

If you are already logged in to the corresponding social media service at the time of clicking on the link, the provider of the social media service may be able to determine your user name and possibly even your real name from the transmitted data and assign this information to your personal user account with the social media service. You can prevent this if you log out of your user account beforehand.

The servers of the social media services are located in the US and other countries outside the European Union. The data may therefore also be processed by the provider of the social media service in countries outside the European Union. Please note that companies in these countries may be subject to data protection laws that do not generally protect personal data to the same extent as they do in the member states of the European Union.

4. Profling

We process personal data neither automatically nor non-automatically with the aim of evaluating certain personal aspects (profiling).

5. To what extent is there automated decision-making?

We do not use fully automated decision-making in accordance with Article 22 GDPR. If we use these processes in the future, we will inform separately about this and the rights in this regard, provided this is required by law.

6. Rights

Users have the right to information under Article 15 GDPR, the right to rectification under Article 16 GDPR, the right to erasure under Article 17 GDPR, the right to restriction of processing under Article 18 GDPR, the right to object under Article 21 GDPR, the right not to be subject to automated decisions in individual cases, including pro ling, and the right to data portability in accordance with Article 20 GDPR. In addition, there is a right of appeal to a competent data protection supervisory authority (Article 77 GDPR).




1. What are cookies

Cookies are small data sets that are generated by a web server, sent through the Internet and stored on an end device with the help of the browser program. The website uses "cookies" essentially to recognize users or their devices, to save the user's preferences or information for the duration of the servicing or in the event of return. Cookies are also used to display behavior-based advertising and to control ad content.

2. What types of cookies are there?

2.1. Distinction by domain

First party cookies: Are sent and read exclusively from the domain of the service provider.

Third party cookies: Are sent and read by domains from other service providers.

2.2 Distinction according to storage duration

Session cookies (session-id): Temporary cookies that are automatically deleted when the browser is closed. Session cookies enable the user's movements on the website to be recognized, so that information is retained. Without cookies, websites have no "memory".

Persistent cookies: Persistent cookies that have to be deleted manually or are deleted after a certain period of time. These cookies help the website to remember the user and their preferences; e.g. language selection, menu preferences, internal bookmarks or favourites.

2.3 Differentiation by usage

Technically necessary cookies: These cookies are required to ensure the functionality of the website and web application and cannot be deactivated for this reason.

Analysis cookies: These cookies collect anonymous information to create statistics to better understand user behavior on the website and in the web application and to improve the application.

Marketing Cookies: These cookies store information about visited websites in order to display personalized advertisements.

3. Use of cookies without consent

Weavers is entitled to store cookies on the end device of the (informed) user, the sole purpose of which is to carry out or facilitate the transmission of a message over an electronic communications network, or, to the extent strictly necessary, to carry out a service expressly requested by the participant or user to provide a service (Article 5 (3) ePrivacy Directive).

4. Which cookies are used?